The Chicago Vaccine Angels was founded by high school freshman Benjamin Kagan in February, 2021. Benjamin booked COVID-19 vaccine appointments for his grandparents in Florida in early January and realized how hard this process must be for so many seniors. Benjamin started booking vaccine appointments for senior citizens and essential workers to receive the COVID-19 vaccine through the Chicago Vaccine Hunters Facebook Group. After initially working solo thru Facebook messenger, Benjamin decided that he would scale up his efforts and organize all of the individual volunteers from Facebook by founding the Chicago Vaccine Angels. The Chicago Vaccine Angels are tasked with booking COVID-19 vaccine appointments primarily for senior citizens, but also for essential workers and others in need of the vaccine. As vaccine availability has increased, the Chicago Vaccine Angels have continued to provide help through the scheduling of appointments for homebound individuals and through collaborative sharing of vaccine and other COVID-19 related information. The group has also been working on the equitable distribution of vaccines in underserved communities. Chicago Vaccine Angels partnered with My Block, My Hood, My City, Roseland Community Hospital and numerous vaccine providers to help ensure that vaccines were available to the people that needed them the most.